Trident Is…
A Place of People
The focus at Trident is not on buildings, but rather on PEOPLE! Trident is “home” to those who grew up in the Lowcountry, others who are transplants, some who serve our country in one of the local military bases, and others who attend a college in the area. No matter what brought you here, you will find Trident Baptist Church to be a “place” where you are welcomed, loved, and belong.
Trident Is…
A Place of Preaching
In every service, you will find the central theme is the preaching of the Word of God. Pastor Tharp is a passionate preacher of the Gospel. You will hear great truths proclaimed from the Bible, doctrines will be explained, and a practical application is given. You will not only learn the Bible, but you will also know how to apply those truths in your daily walk of faith.
Click on the button below to view our messages on YouTube.
Trident Is…
A Place of Purpose
Trident Baptist Church exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a world in darkness. This purpose is accomplished through:
Local Ministry here in the Low Country through Sunday School Classes for all ages, preaching services on Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evenings; evangelistic outreach into the neighborhoods and communities surrounding the church; a bus ministry that provides rides to those who could not otherwise come to church. We have a children’s church each Sunday morning during the 11:00 o’clock service and Master Clubs (kids club) on Wednesdays during the 7:00 pm service. A well-staffed nursery is provided every service for children under 3 years of age. There is a place for you to serve the Lord at Trident!
World Wide Ministry through our Faith Promis Missions program. Trident Baptist Church supports over 70 missionaries and ministries around the world.
Trident Is…
A Place of Patriotism
At Trident Baptist Church we are glad to be Americans and we love our country. We are thankful for those who serve our country in our military. Our church has many active-duty and retired military as well as a host of veterans; we would love to welcome you to our family.
The mission of the Trident Baptist Church Military Ministry is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our military serving the greater Charleston region while providing encouragement, spiritual growth, and fellowship for our military personnel and their families.
We host many different events throughout the year to celebrate America and honor our military and help them.
Pastor Matthew Tharp and Mrs. Lyndsey Tharp
A Note from
Pastor & Mrs. Tharp
Are you looking for a warm, genuine place to worship God and find community? That is the kind of church we wanted to be a part of too, and that is the kind of church we strive to be!
Our goal is to make Sunday an authentic, memorable, and encouraging experience every week. Stop in, we would love to meet you!
Our Desire is for You To Know Jesus
We exist as a church to bring Glory to God and the Gospel to the World. We want you to know that there is a God who loves you and wants to have a relationship with you. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Do you know Him today? Click here to know more.
Service Schedule
Sunday School for all ages: 10:00 am
Morning Preaching Service: 11:00 am
Evening Preaching Service: 5:30 pm
Bible Study and Prayer Service: 7:00 pm
Master Clubs (Kid Program): 7:00 pm
Our Location
100 Montague Plantation
Goose Creek, SC 29445
We are located just off Hwy 52 on Montague Plantation
in Goose Creek. We would love to see you soon!
Trident Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church where we still sing from the hymnal, have a choir, preach from the King James Bible, and hear many hearty “Amens” during the preaching. It is an exciting group of Believers with a passion for God and a love for people. Join us for our next service!
Connect With Us:
Trident Baptist Church · 100 Montague Plantation · Goose Creek, SC 29445 · 843-569-7331 ·
Matthew Tharp, Pastor